Entero offers software solutions for all aspects of the petrolium industry.  Their site is built on Drupal 7 and utilizes custom content types, custom views, and numerous modules.  I assumed all development, maintenance, updates, and analytics of this site upon my association with Vertical Motion.  I was not involved in the original design or initial development of the site.
My involvement with this site included creating a video library, a blog, many styling revisions, content revisions, and plenty of minor updates, as well as a significant "Industry Scenarios" update.  This update required SVG manipulation, extensive jQuery scripting and animations, custom content types, custom views, CSS styling, and DOM manipulation for proper bookmarking and page history tracking.  The page also includes advanced Google Analytics event tracking due to the client's need for in-depth marketing analysis.
The current iteration of the site can be viewed at www.entero.com.  The Industry Senarios page is available at www.entero.com/Industry-Scenarios.


Entero offers software solutions for all aspects of the petrolium industry.
